3.2.3 Seat bucket sides. In order to provide lateral leg retention, the seat bucket sides shall
extend forward of the front edge of the seat bottom. The seat side extensions shall be designed to
laterally brace the seat occupant's legs against airloads encountered subsequent to ejection .(see
4.4.1 a, 4.5.1)
3.2.4 Headrest. A headrest shall be provided in the upper portion of the seat back and located to
provide head support for all sizes of crew members. The headrest design shall include a fixed
dimensional relationship with the seat bottom for all conditions of seat adjustment and shall
incorporate provisions to diminish lateral head motion under ejection conditions. The entire
upper portion of the seat back shall be designed to permit maximum rearward vision consistent
with structural requirements for head support and operational requirements when installed in the
aircraft. The headrest shall not cause any interference with seat-man separation .(see 4.4.1 a,
4.5.1) Headrest material. The contact surface of the headrest shall be padded with a high
energy-absorbing foam material with a thickness of 1.75 inches and a density of 2 pounds per
cubic foot. This foam shall be covered with a padding of 2 pounds per cubic foot flexible foam,
0.19-inches thick (see 4.4.1 a, 4.5.1).
3.2.5 Canopy piercers. Canopy piercers shall be incorporated in the seat assembly except where
ejection through the canopy is not permitted because of hatch or canopy construction. The design
and installation of the canopy piercers shall ensure positive canopy penetration before contact can
occur between the canopy and seat occupant and shall also ensure a clear opening through the
canopy sufficient for safe passage of the seat and seat occupant (see 4.4.1 a, 4.5.1).
3.2.6 Armrests. Armrests may be mounted on the seat bucket sides. The armrests shall be
designed to provide lateral arm restraint during emergency operation, shall comfortably
accommodate all crew members with their flight clothing and shall not interfere with crew
member access to the aircraft flight controls. The contact surfaces of the armrests shall be padded
with a high-energy-absorbing material of at least 1/2-inch thickness (see 4.4.1 a, 4.5.1).
3.2.7 Environmental flight clothing. The seat assembly shall be designed to provide space for and
be compatible with crew members wearing any of the environmental flight clothing and personal
equipment required for the aircraft (see 4.4.1 a, 4.5.1).
3.2.8 Emergency oxygen. An emergency source of oxygen shall be mounted on the seat
assembly to provide emergency breathing oxygen, and, if required, pressure suit pressurization.
The source shall contain sufficient oxygen for an emergency descent in the aircraft from maximum
altitude, or for free fall following ejection from maximum altitude to the pressure altitude setting
of the recovery parachute. Provisions shall be incorporated for actuation of the oxygen supply
manually in the aircraft and automatically upon ejection. The emergency oxygen supply shall be
replaceable without removing the seat from the crew station and shall include a readily visible
status indicator to reflect full oxygen supply (see 4.4.1 a., 4.5.1).
3.2.9 Personal lead services. Personal leads shall be provided for the following services as
required: aircraft oxygen, emergency oxygen, communications, anti-g, and ventilation. Personal
leads shall be standard according to the service provided. Personal lead connections shall be
positive to ensure the proper attachment is obtained to provide the required service, and a positive
disconnect is required to secure the service. All connections shall be accomplished automatically
during the ejection-recovery sequence, as necessary for the required services. Provisions shall be
incorporated for disconnection of personal leads in conjunction with the automatic and manual
release functions of the personal restraint subsystem .(see 4.4.1 a, 4.5.1)
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